With shopping done, I was able to get Christmas cards written out and mailed. I’m finally getting into the Christmas spirit. Going through the boxes of Christmas decorations, I was shocked at how much I can’t use this year. But, once I get the upstairs loft settled, I’ll have more space.

I saw the cardiologist and it wasn’t what I had hoped for. He prescribed the maximum dosage of Lipitor and put me back on baby aspirin. I am having a stress test, ultrasound of the blood vessels in my legs and blood work. The cardiologist told me that if I hadn’t led a very healthy lifestyle, I would have had a heart attack or stroke years ago because of my family history. Once we get the results of everything, the doctor can be more specific with treatment.

Belle and I went to Tim’s tonight for dinner and decorate Tim’s tree. We managed to get the Nativity Set put out but we spent so much time talking, we only got the tree up with the lights. Finishing the decorating will be a project for another afternoon or evening.

Happy Waffle Day! Love, (Auntie) Beverly