First, I’ll mention my medical situation. I had a very similar reaction to the 2nd medication but not as severe. Still, I decided not to continue to take it any longer. The pain clinic called to schedule the Cortizone injection. I’m going to cancel the appointment for 2 reasons. The first is that the pain has almost gone and also, I can’t take Cortizone because I have Glaucoma. I went to the Glaucoma doctor to repeat the test I had last month. She didn’t like the results at that time but I thought it had something to do with the tech who gave the test. She didn’t seem to be sure of what she was doing. This time, the results were much better. The doctor was happy and so was I. Next month, I visit the Macular Degeneration doctor. He’s very nice but I know my eyesight is getting worse. I had my Bone Density done and no Osteoporosis!!! That’s always a big relief. The knee that was swollen with blood is still swollen some. I ran yesterday for the first time in a month. I was concerned about running again but I was fine. I’m back on the road again!

The painter did a wonderful job on the stairs. They are like glass. Although many people do, we never had a rule about wearing shoes in the house. Guess what? I do now!😂 I’ve hired the painter to return Monday to paint the basement walls with Dri Loc. Frank put it on the walls at Bridge St. and it worked well. In addition, I will have a dehumidifier which comes with the condo. I ordered window treatments for the 2nd floor. Everything is the same as the 1st floor except the bedrooms are same style, different colors. I don’t know if you’ve heard of Glare Care. It’s a window treatment that prevents the glare of the sun coming through the windows and bleaching furniture, carpeting, floors, etc. It will be installedTuesday. We also had this on some of our windows on Bridge St. and it made a big difference. The insulators finally came to finish insulation in the basement. What they said was a 5 minute job took 1 1/2 hours. Big surprise!! About 2-3 weeks ago, I noticed water in the bottom of the freezer from condensation. We thought it had something to do with the ice maker. A repair man came and said the freezer door wasn’t closing completely. He did whatever had to be done and said it would be good now. Today, I went to thee condo and for some reason opened the freezer and condensation was pouring down into the freezer drawer and frost had formed on the back of the drawer. I called the appliance store for service telling them this was an emergency. I was afraid the water would run out on the floor. I was told the next appointment that a repair man could come was August 9th. Long story short, I went off !! It didn’t do any good. I contacted the builder who sent the condo plumber right over. He looked at it and said what the problem was. (I don’t remember details, now.) He didn’t want to do anything for fear they would say he caused the problem. The plumber made sure the water to the refrigerator/freezer was off. Tim and I used bath towels to sop up the water and taped the freezer drawer shut. So, now I don’t have a freezer and that’s where I keep all my goodies!! If you know me, you know my obsession with freezing things😁. The builder called the owner of the appliance store furious that I couldn’t get service after he had all of us buy our appliances from this dealership. The owner called me tonight and wants me to call him from the condo tomorrow. All I know is that I want a new refrigerator not another repair. Oh, in case you’re wondering, I bought a new freezer which will be delivered before the repair date I was given. Go figure!!

Tuesday, I am meeting Isabel for breakfast. I don’t think we’ve seen each other in a year. It doesn’t seem possible. Lots to catch up on.

I’ve decided to put off sleeping at the condo until Monday night. I know luckily,I don’t have to rush out, but I do want to be on my own. I sound like a teenager again. Thank God for Tim!

Happy Waffle Day,! ❤️(Auntie) Beverly