Finally, the weather is better and the temperature is rising. Belle and I have been going to the beach. Come Memorial Day weekend, dogs will not be allowed on the beaches until Labor Day. Time to take advantage of every pleasant day. We sat on the beach and watched the lifeguard chairs being put into place. The sand was being leveled and young families were enjoying playing on the beach. Watching them brought back so many memories of when we were young and did the same things with our children. Many problems were solved and plans were made walking on the sandy beach. “Hiring” signs are hanging in every business window. Jobs are plentiful and businesses are expecting a busy summer.

I bought flowers for the cemetery. The grass looks better every day. The main thing is to make sure we keep up with the watering. The flags for veterans should be replaced in time for the holiday.

I had a pizza lunch for the men working on my condo. They were very happy. I’ve been very pleased with their work and took this opportunity to let them know that their work is appreciated.

I learned something new this week. If your car is locked and you toss the keys inside through the open window, the doors don’t unlock. The window wasn’t open enough for me to reach in and get the keys off the seat. I had to find just the right stick with a curve to be able to hook the key ring and slide it up the back of the seat where I could finally reach it. I have another key packed somewhere!!

My obsession with avocados continues. I read an article about avocado oil which has the same good healthy qualities as olive oil and some additional ones. So, I bought some avocado oil. I’m anxious to try it in my waffle tomorrow. I’m wondering if it will effect the taste. I bought some chips cooked in avocado oil but I haven’t opened the bag, yet.

Monday, I am having breakfast with Marie. I’ve mentioned her before. We met through ALS. Her partner died the week after (Uncle) Frank. We’ve stayed friends but haven’t been out together since the whole Covid issue. Thursday, Carole and Rick will be on Cape so, we are meeting at Grumpy’s for breakfast. We always have interesting visits.

Happy Waffle Day! Love to all, (Auntie) Beverly

I’m sending a picture of my new living room and dining room. The crown molding was just added. There are 2 pictures of my kitchen cabinets. They are a pale grey. The pictures aren’t great but you can get the idea.