In case you’re wondering ! Yes, I’m still running. That seems to be one of the first questions people ask me. I will admit that I’ve gotten much slower and don’t run as far. But, I’m out there!

Many of you know that Tim has a new Shar Pei puppy named Emmet. Anyone associated with the Savage family knows the sentiments attached to this name. For those of you not familiar with the name, you can Google the Emmet Guard. (Uncle) Frank’s father was an extremely proud member of the Emmet Guard in WW1. Tim began sending Emmet to daycare with Belle. Like Belle, Emmet loved it! He only went for 3 hours twice a week but he got along great with the other dogs and personnel. However, Thursday, Tim got the dreaded phone call. Emmet had been bitten by another dog. They brought Emmet to his vet and Emmet’s ear needed stitches. He is a real trooper and if it wasn’t for the cone, you’d never know anything happened. Unfortunately, Emmet won’t be able to return to daycare until his stitches are removed. When Belle and I leave for Florida, Tim and Emmet are returning to NY and then to Florida for a few weeks. So, Emmet won’t be returning to daycare until April. There is the chance though that he could attend daycare with Belle in Florida.

The next 2 weeks are full of doctor appointments. Yesterday, I saw the eye doctor. Sadly, I have Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration and have been being treated for a couple of years, now. The Glaucoma is stabile now. But, due to the MD, I have lost all central vision in my right eye. There is no treatment for MD and nothing can be done to repair anything. Luckily, my left eye is still good. It’s tough! I do have difficulty reading and writing but I manage.

Beth moved out of Tim’s last Tuesday. She had so much stuff. It’s amazing what these movers do. She’s happy to be in her own place and Tim is happy. It’s win win for both of them.

Tim and I put lights on the tree behind (Uncle) Frank. It looks really nice. The family visiting their son next to (Uncle) Frank remarked how nice it looks. Maybe more will do it next year.

The new owners on Bridge St. are installing a pool and moved the shed and ripped out my blueberry bushes. I thought they would. I’m sorry they did. I really enjoyed having them. The builder of my condo told me he’d put some in my new yard but I don’t know if I want to take up the space. We’ll see!

Tuesday, I am picking out my appliances. I’m probably the only person who doesn’t like stainless steel but I don’t think it fits my style. To me, it’s more modern. I prefer farmhouse, country style. I rather black. I’m going to bring one of my cabinet doors to see what goes best. That was Tim’s idea and a good one.

Don’t forget Sunday is Waffle Day. Still my favorite day! I have my waffle every Sunday!!
Stay healthy! Love (Auntie) Beverly