The weeks continue to fly! Renee and Lou visited last weekend. It was great having them here. We laughed a lot and solved many of the world’s problems. Belle and Emmet enjoyed all the attention.

I brought my car in for repairs. Turns out it will take 11 days. I have a rental car but I’m shocked it is taking so long. I also discovered that my registration was supposed to be renewed 2/21. I had no clue. Luckily, that’s been taken care of.

Belle received her Canine Good Citizen Certficate. Her official AKC name is now Lady Belle Savage CGC. She started her classes with 3 other dogs in an advanced class. I’m shocked at how much she retains.

Because the Covid numbers have dropped, the Archbishop has said anyone fully vaccinated does not have to wear a mask in church. I’m still continuing to wear mine.

Emmet has had 2 mild episodes of Shar Pei fever in the past week. The problem is that you never know when mild turns into major. He’s very good about it and has medication if that should happen.

Tim had a little birthday party for me last night. He convinced me to play pool for the first time. I’ve never played because I don’t know how. It was fun! I really enjoyed it. Call it beginner’s luck, but I won !

My neighbors had planned a birthday brunch for me tomorrow. But, their dog has been sick for a couple of days so we’ve decided to postpone it. I‘d rather not expose Belle and Emmet to anything. They agree.

I know everyone doesn’t believe this but the other night I woke up and I could feel (Uncle) Frank in the room. I didn’t see him but I could feel his presence.

Happy Valentine’s Day ! (Auntie) Beverly