It’s hard to believe we’ve been here over a week. It flew by! I visited the dermatologist. He checked my scalp and after 8 treatments, it seems to be cured. However, he did do another treatment (#3) on my nose. I also started acupuncture again. A few days before we left for Florida, I injured my arm. I don’t know how. I woke up in the morning and my right hand and forearm were swollen and black and blue. I must have banged it on something but I don’t remember anything . There was a big lump on my wrist which hurt when I touched it. It reminded me of the issue I had with my knee. It stiffened during the night and I couldn’t move it in the morning. Quite painful! I asked the therapist to target that area when I went for acupuncture. Within 3 hours after the treatment, the swelling diminished quite noticeably. I went for another treatment 2 days later and the swelling and pain have almost disappeared. I never thought I would be a supporter of acupuncture but I am completely sold on it. I also discovered that goji berries are good for the eyes, specifically glaucoma. I ordered 3 bags and have them for a snack. It’s worth a try and can’t hurt anything.

I’m buying a new phone. What an ordeal. I’ve spent over 3 hours the past 2 days trying to accomplish this. I’m either put on hold or need an interpreter. I finally called a T-Mobile store and I can purchase a phone there. I know better then to go on a weekend. I’ll go Monday.

Since we moved into the condo, Belle has been sleeping in her crate in my room. So, I figure she may as well do the same here. I bought her another crate to put upstairs here. That way I don’t have to carry one up and down everyday.

Tim and Emmet are in NY for a week and will be driving down to Florida for a month. It will be fun having company here.

The church that I attend here is planning a 4 day carnival later this month. They had a meeting today for volunteers. Belle and I attended. I was shocked at how many people showed up. I thought it would be nice to be involved. They have several different areas needing volunteers. It’s not like I have to be there all 4 days. I think it will be interesting. I always thought it would be fun to be a “carny”.😊

Happy Waffle Day! Stay warm! (Auntie) Beverly