However, as bad as it was, we all know I’ve been through worse !
Before I begin, let me preface by telling you that to me, being in Florida is like waking up every morning in Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood minus the cardigan. It’s breakfast on the patio with the sun shining, the birds singing and flowers bursting with color in every corner.

This past week actually began before I left the Cape. I was due for a visit to the dentist for a cleaning. My teeth were fine (so I thought). As the hygienist was cleaning my teeth, she noticed a cavity close to a nerve. The dentist came right in and said it should be filled immediately and opened an appointment for what he termed an emergency. The following week I was back for the filling. After a series of X-rays, he informed me that I needed a root canal as soon as possible. There was no way I was canceling my trip. Aventura has a very large medical center making it very easy to locate a first class endodontist. I scheduled the first available appointment for a consultation, exam, X-ray and CT scans. When everything was done, the doctor gave me some options. From the information he had collected, he informed me that there was no way the tooth could be saved. After spending $2,000 for the root canal, there was no way he would guarantee the tooth would last one year. What to do? In the end, I decided to have the tooth extracted and nothing else. I had all my teeth and could lose one. The endodontist referred me to an oral surgeon who shared the office. Two days later, I returned for an extraction. This time I was told to rethink my decision. If I just had the tooth extracted and nothing else done, I stood the risk of losing the tooth on top because it would have nothing supporting the bite below. After discussing some options, I agreed that the best choice for me was to extract the tooth and do a bone graft. It will take 4 – 6 months for this to heal and strengthen. That will give me time to decide to either do an implant or bridge and crowns. I have several stitches which will be removed in 3 weeks. I was very impressed with both doctors here and will return here to finish everything. I had the surgery done yesterday and had no pain. I woke up this morning like nothing had happened. Amazing ! There is an infection and I’m taking Amoxicillin. No, I don’t have dental insurance. But, I have my kid’s inheritance!!!

Also, before I left the Cape, I decided to see a dermatologist because I have had an area on my scalp for years that I just let go. There were other issues that needed my attention. But now, the time seemed right. Just before Christmas, I saw a dermatologist who treated the area with liquid Nitrogen and wanted to see me in 2 weeks. In the meantime, I was told to put Vaseline on the lesions. Trust me when I tell you walking around with Vaseline in your hair is disgusting. As it turned out, she had no availability before I left for Florida. I was able to locate a dermatologist in Aventura who specializes in scalp Cancer. I met with him this week and he has sent a biopsy out to be examined. The results will be in Thursday. Then, I’ll cross that bridge.

Belle is 17 months old today. It doesn’t seem possible. She is such a good girl and so much fun. She and I went to Topeekeegee Yugnee Park earlier in the week. Topeekeegee Yugnee is Seminole for “The Gathering Place”. It is more commonly referred to as TY Park. I packed our breakfast and we brought it with us. After finishing our breakfast, we took a long walk around the park. It was difficult for me to take this step because this was something (Uncle) Frank and I did at least once a week with Tim’s boys. However, Belle really enjoyed it and I told her we would go back again every week. Life goes on !

Hope everyone is keeping warm ! Don’t forget that tomorrow is Waffle Day !

Love to all, (Auntie) Beverly